Upasana Dutta

Ph.D. student in Computer and Information Science @UPenn


Underrepresentation of rural undergraduate students in CU Boulder

Worked with CU Boulder Office of Data Analytics and CU Rural Network to analyse how undergraduate students from rural communities and small towns are underrepresented in CU Boulder.

Comparison of Dynamic and Linear Programming using Weighted Job Scheduling Problem

Compared Dynamic Programming and Linear Programming in solving the Weighted Job scheduling problem with increasing jobs and increasing hardness of the problem.

Study of user activity on Question-Answering Platform : Stack Exchange

Leveraged questioning-answering activities of users on Stack Exchange platform to study the latent community structure between various Q&A websites using Stochastic Block Modeling.

Movie Recommendation System : Kaggle Dataset

Using user demographics and the movies they have watched and rated, built a model to recommend movies to the users which they have not watched yet but are very likely to rate highly.


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